Monday, March 9, 2009

Recipe Exchange!

Last month my friend Eleisha had got a few of our friends together and taught us how to make bread and I'm talking grinding the wheat and everything! It was such a success that we decided to do something together once a month. So this month we did a recipe exchange and I ended up with an endless amount of delicious recipes! I'm so excited to try them all!
Me and Nicole Hunt
Eleisha Sherman and Lauren Hailstone
Virginia Nisson (at her home), Jamie Heagany and Maryanne Bonifazio
Liza Nelson and Susan Faust
Me, Nicole and her sister Elise Faust


  1. That sounds like so much fun. If you try some that you really like you should post them. I'm sorry to hear about poor Jax. I'm glad he will do the breathing treatments though. My kids are all sick again...I know what you mean about the no sleep. That is so funny about the guys pilot. Is there a way to watch it? I don't know Joe but I'm sure if Brock and Jim were on a reality show it would be hilarious.
