Sunday, October 17, 2010


When you live in Las Vegas and temperatures are well into the hundreds all summer long you have to get creative. So we did a lot of hiking at Mt. Charleston. They have a lot of kid friendly trails that are a mile or two round trip and the weather was always amazing! And the best part is that the kids loved it!

This is called The Little Falls Trail

When we finally made it to the waterfall it was a tucked back in a canyon and unfortunately there was graffiti everywhere. Which was a little disappointing because the little waterfall was beautiful.

On Labor Day weekend we took a drive up to Zion to do some more hiking and to check out where Boe and Ashlee were going to be married. Jim and Kayleen were on the way back from SLC so they joined us!

1 comment:

  1. Love the updates to the blog! Great pictures of everyone. So glad you are back. :)
